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Photogrammetry & infrared surveys


DroneBox can get an estimate of the number of dead trees to be felled in wooded areas. Drones equipped with multispectral cameras are used for remote sensing and spectral analysis to make this kind of evaluation.

Spectral signature of the vegetation.

The spectral signature corresponds to the characteristic response of each object analyzed as a function of the wavelength. The spectral signatures typical of vegetation are distinguished from other terrestrial materials. We can observe the typical response of vegetation in Figure 7 below. We perceive a green leaf, because the green of the spectrum is reflected while the blue and red are absorbed into the mesophile of it.















What characterizes the spectral signature of vegetation is its strong response in the near infrared (NIR). Indeed, a plant with a high production of chlorophyll will reflect more energy coming from the PIR.

Stress caused by a change in nutritional or water intake under a changing climate or by infestation of the tree by parasites causes the spectral response of the plant to vary according to wavelengths. Since vegetation reflects a lot in the near infrared wavelengths, changes in reflectance will therefore be more visible.

Decreased chlorophyll production results in decreased absorption of energy from blue and red wavelengths.


Likewise, a decrease in reflectance caused by the reduction in the emission of energy by chlorophyll to the infrared level reduces the gap between the visible wavelengths, thus leveling the spectral signature of the sheet.

Capture d’écran 2022-11-21 à 17.47.03.png

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in photogrammetry



Photogrammetry is a technique that consists of taking measurements in a scene, using la parallax obtained between images acquired from different viewpoints. Copying human stereoscopic vision, she has long exploited it to reconstruct the relief of a landscape, of an object from this difference of viewpoint. 

This technique is entirely based on a rigorous modeling of the geometry of the images and their acquisition in order to reconstitute an exact 3D copy of reality.

Photogrammetry is used in different fields, such as la topography, la cartography, les GIS, I'architecture, wildlife detection, preservation of biodiversity, les police investigations, la geology or even thearchaeology, volumetry and survey of cubature


Our training in photogrammetry is ideal for surveyors, architects, public works companies, municipalities, quarry operators, etc.


You will be able to discover the basics of 3D modeling (primitives, meshes, polygons and trigons, vertex, edge, face, etc.). Once the basics of 3D have been acquired, your drone photogrammetry training will introduce you to 3D modeling from photographic surveys, DEM, DEM, GEO TIFF, GEO DATA, geo-referencing, orthophotography, export between software, etc ...

Training duration

  • 21 hours.

  • Over 3 days.

Educational objective

  • Understand the basics of generalist 3D modeling, especially on PIX4D and 3Dsmax.

  • Know the different current capture methods and their limits.

  • Know how to use Pix4d software to respond professionally to a customer request.

  • Understand the material requirements for 3D rendering and be able to anticipate a deadline.


  • No prerequisites are necessary.

  • A good knowledge of Windows or Apple space will be a plus

Monitoring and evaluation method

  • Checks of learning throughout the training.

  • Practical exercises.

  • Daily debrief.

  • Training certificate.

  • Case study

  • Surveying operation with fixed wing and rotary wing UAVs

  • Internship


Training hours

  • Weekdays

  • On request weekends

  • Schedule adapted according to your availability

Educational resources

  • Photogrammetry training is given in the classroom.

  • Trainer certified by Pix4D software

  • GIS processing specialist trainer, certified in Geomatics by Concordia University, Montreal, QC, Canada.

  • Qualified instructor with many years of experience.

  • Lesson plan adapted for gradual learning.

  • Course materials.

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