Need a quote for our services ?
Do you want to obtain an estimate for one of our services?
Are you a photography director, surveyor, architect, building technician, agronomist, engineer or any professional wishing to integrate drone technology into your business?
Drone Box has been offering a specialized service panel since 2013 to meet your needs.
$ 475 1
1 flight 2
3 photographs
1 operator
Photos delivered on USB key / Server 3
Travel included in a department 4
$ 675 1
2 flights 2
10-15 min of rushes
1 operator
Images delivered to USB key / Server 3
Travel included in a department 4
1 All prices displayed are in Canadian dollars (CAD) and are subject to change without notice.
Sales taxes (GST and QST) are included.
2 Before each recorded flight there is a reconnaissance flight
3 We reserve a personal space for you on our server, on request.
4 Team transportation is included up to 75 km, calculated from Beaudry metro station in Montreal, Quebec. If the customer's site is beyond the maximum distance provided for the selected package, travel costs of $ 0.75 per additional kilometer will be billed.
All photos are in high resolution , i.e. 21 Mega pixels (4000 x 5500 pixels). This allows prints of at least 40 x 55 cm. The photos are provided in RAW or JPG format depending on the customer's needs.
$ 550 1
2 vol 2
5 photos
1 pilot
Images delivered to USB key / Server 3
Travel included within a radius of 50 km 4
$ 795 1
3 flights 2
10 photos
1 pilot
Images delivered on USB key
Displacement included within a radius of 70 k m 4
$ 1098 1
5 vol 2
15 photos
1 pilot and 1 cameraman
Images delivered on USB key
Travel included within a radius of 100 km 4
1 All prices displayed are in Canadian dollars (CAD) and are subject to change without notice. Sales taxes (GST and QST) are included.
2 Before each recorded flight there is a reconnaissance flight
3 We reserve a personal space for you on our server, on request.
4 Team transportation is calculated from the Beaudry metro in Montreal, Quebec. If the customer's site is beyond the maximum distance provided for the selected package, travel costs of $ 0.75 per additional kilometer will be billed.
All video images are recorded in full and High Definition (4K) but also in 6K . We offer various recording rates ( 24, 30, 60, 120 fps ).
$ 825 1
3 flights 2
10-15 min of rushes
1 pilot
Images delivered to USB key / FTP server 3
Travel included within a radius of 50 km 4
$ 1,550 1
5 flights 2
50-60 min of rushes
1 pilot and 1 cameraman
Images delivered on USB key
Displacement included within a radius of 70 k m
1 95 0 $ 1
7 flights 2
70-80 min of rushes
1 pilot and 1 cameraman
Images delivered on USB key
Travel included within a radius of 100 km
1 All prices displayed are in Canadian dollars (CAD) and are subject to change without notice. Sales taxes (GST and QST) are included.
2 Before each recorded flight there is a reconnaissance flight
3 We reserve a personal space for you on our server, on request.
4 Team transportation calculated from Beaudry metro in Montreal, Quebec. If the customer's site is beyond the maximum distance provided for the selected package, travel costs of $ 0.75 per additional kilometer will be billed.
With the drone, we get closer to the structure targeted by the inspection (bridge, viaduct, roof, mines). The images captured by the camera attached to the drone are transmitted live to the ground on a reference monitor, making it possible to obtain a visual check of the materials or part of the structure . And thanks to the recorded images (photo and / or video) the customer can keep a history of development of a structure or follow the evolution of any cracks or deformations .
We also offer you to take charge of writing the inspection report. For more details on our inspection procedures please contact us.
$ 650 1
2 flights 2
Aerial photos and videos
1 pilot and 1 cameraman
Images delivered to USB key / FTP server 3
Travel included within a radius of 50 km 4
$ 1150 1
1/2 day 2
Aerial photos and videos
1 pilot and 1 cameraman
Images delivered to USB key 3
Displacement included within a radius of 70 k m 4
1950 $ 1
1 day 2
Aerial photos and videos
1 pilot and 1 cameraman
Images delivered to USB key 3
Travel included within a radius of 100 km 4
1 All prices displayed are in Canadian dollars (CAD) and are subject to change without notice. Sales taxes (GST and QST) are included.
2 Before each recorded flight there is a reconnaissance flight
3 We reserve a personal space for you on our server, on request.
4 Team transportation calculated from Beaudry metro in Montreal, Quebec. If the customer's site is beyond the maximum distance provided for the selected package, travel costs of $ 0.75 per additional kilometer will be billed.
Whether for: a project abroad, for shots on the ground, for the processing of your images (photo processing, video image editing, special effects additions, colorization, sound integration), to manage the distribution of your projects on different platforms;
our team of experts will assess your needs to provide you with a service adapted to your criteria.
So, even if the product you are looking for is not currently displayed on our site, contact us and we will give you a tailor-made quote .